School Daze is a business dedicated to learners of all ages and needs who has been serving the educational community of Watertown, New York and beyond since 1991. We are passionate believers in the joys and value of education, and provide a necessary resource to professional and home educators at every level, offering well-developed lessons and aids designed by fellow educators, creatively designed to make core concepts clear and accessible to students through engaging lessons.


Our mission is to provide only proven and effective resources for every subject: from math, science, and English, to multilingual aids and helpful tools that encourage study skills and productive learning habits. School Daze even offers a wide selection of games, incentive prizes, and even gift certificates to keep your students goal driven and focused.


We provide nationwide shipping to support educators regardless of their location, and are always available to offer helpful advice, recommend some of our favorite products and resources, or to answer any questions you may have. Stop by our Watertown, New York location today, or browse easy and convenient online store to find new tools to welcome your students into the world of learning.